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New Year’s Greetings from KF Culture Sharing Ambassadors

New Year’s Greetings from
KF Culture Sharing Ambassadors

  • As a Culture Sharing Ambassador for the Korea Foundation, I would like to share my following thoughts with the KF Newsletter readers. It’s been an eventful year, during which the KF has steadily expanded its global networks. I enjoyed the opportunity to contribute to this worldwide network, and even received the honor of representing my country during the Korea-Spain Forum gathering. The KF undertakes projects that exhibit Korea’s rising status as a developed nation and promotes our cultural influences throughout the global community, thus helping to project a positive image of Korea in the eyes of the world. It’s been an honor to contribute to such an effort. May you all have a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!

    HIE, Won-Bok KF
    Culture Sharing Ambassador
    President of Duksung Women’s University
  • Hello, my name is Ilya, and I am proud to be a Culture Sharing Ambassador of the Korea Foundation. It’s been a culture-driven year for the KF, with many events and different programs on offer. I especially remember the KF Together launch ceremony, as I would easily relate to the foreign students who are studying in Korea. I hope that 2016 will be even more eventful and joyous for both overseas students and the Korean people, and I am eagerly looking forward to participating in the new programs and events organized by the KF in the upcoming year.

    Ilya Belyakov
    KF Culture Sharing Ambassador
  • The New Year is upon us! I’m excited to embrace the new challenges and opportunities ahead. As a Culture Sharing Ambassador of the KF, I met with many members of Korea’s international community. I hope to help further develop the KF Global Center program alongside and for those from abroad, and hope that everyone enjoys a happy and healthy New Year, filled with new hopes and promises.

    Tyler Rasch
    KF Culture Sharing Ambassador