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The 5th Korea Foundation Award Ceremony

NEWSLETTER > KF Activities > Event Review > The 5th Korea Foundation Award Ceremony

The 5th Korea Foundation Award Ceremony

  • 2008
  • Martina Deuchler / Professor Emerita of the SOAS University of London
  • 2009
  • John Duncan / Co-Director of the UCLA Center for Korean Studies
  • 2011
  • Sohn Ho-min / Professor of the University of Hawaii’s Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
  • 2013
  • Chinese People’s Association for Friendship
On January 22, 2016, the KF held the Fifth Korea Foundation Award Ceremony at the Westin Chosun Hotel to present the KF Award to Hartmut Koschyk, a prominent member of the German Bunderstag. As one of Germany’s leading pro-Korea advocates, Hartmut Koschyk serves as Co-Chairman of the Korea-Germany Forum and Head of the German-Korean Parliamentary Friendship Association. He has thus contributed greatly to boosting Korea-Germany relations and exchange, in addition to having written a book about Korea. For these endeavors, the KF sought to recognize his concerted efforts to enhance Germany’s understanding of Korea and reunification of the Korean Peninsula. During his stay in Korea, to attend the KF award ceremony, which included the presence of influential local figures, Koschyk also had a chance to meet with Chung Ui-hwa, the Speaker of Korea’s National Assembly.
Launched in 2008, the biennial KF Award is meant to recognize the personal efforts of individuals who have worked to promote a proper understanding of Korea throughout the global community and to enhance friendly relations worldwide. Recipients are selected from among the recommendations submitted by overseas and domestic professionals in the areas of Korean Studies, cooperative international relations, and cross-cultural exchange. Award recipients receive an honorarium of $10,000 and a plaque of appreciation. In past years, KF Award recipients have included Martina Deuchler, Professor Emerita of the SOAS University of London, John Duncan, Co-Director of the UCLA Center for Korean Studies, Sohn Ho-min, Professor of the University of Hawaii’s Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, and the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.
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