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Publication of “Koreana” Winter Edition

  • KF Activities
  • Publication of ‘Koreana’ Winter Edition

Publication of ‘Koreana’ Winter Edition

The KF has published the winter edition of Koreana, the quarterly magazine sharing Korean culture and arts with the world. This latest issue spotlights Gangwon-do, rendering the province’s scenic mountains and sea, culture, and industry, as well as the special characteristics of the area as depicted in literary and artistic works. The magazine is also rich in stories of seasonal pleasures of Gangwon-do, including skiing and the Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival.
  Aside from the special features on Gangwon-do, the winter issue provides a variety of articles covering the thematic exhibition Buddhist Hanging Scroll at Okcheonsa Temple in Goseong, Gyeongsangnam-do; Bangcheon Market and the alleys of pre-modern culture in Daegu; the Gangneung Coffee Museum; PyeongChang Music Festival & School; an interview with an ordinary Korean running a neighborhood fried chicken shop; and many more. The winter issue will be available soon on www.koreana.or.kr.

Event Schedule

  • call   Arts and Culture Department