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Last Training Session for 2017

  • KF Volunteer Network News
  • Last Training Session for 2017


Last Training Session for 2017

On Saturday, November 11, as wintry weather set in, pushing the short fall away, the last orientation for volunteers in 2017 was conducted in the KF Seminar Room on the 19th floor of the Mirae Asset Center1 Building. The number of participants who joined the 85th training session was smaller than during previous meetings, but perhaps thanks to the reduced attendance, the session turned out to be more productive in terms of the opinions that could be accommodated.
  Over the course of the 85 orientation sessions, the Education and Publicity Team helped many people become members of the KF’s Volunteer Network (KFVN), and they worked diligently to promote the KFVN through other programs.
  During this eventful past year, more than just a few people familiarized themselves with the KFVN and began volunteering in its programs. We welcome them sincerely and hope the KFVN will grow even more in the New Year, making a strong start and responding to new challenges.

KFVN Reporter Mun Ji-young