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2021 KF Virtual Dialogue Series

  • 등록일 2021.05.14

대체텍스트있음 2021 KF Virtual Dialogue Series


2021 KF Virtual Dialogue SeriesRebooting the Future: Greener and Smarter Ways Forward

한국국제교류재단은 코로나 이후 삶에 대한 지속가능한 대안을 탐색하고 녹색 회복을 주제로 한국과 세계 각국의 국제협력 방안을 모색하는 온라인 세미나 2021 KF Virtual Dialogue Series를 개최합니다.

5월 30일 (목)부터 7월 1일 (목) 까지 총 5회에 걸쳐 한국국제교류재단 공식 유튜브 채널을 통해 라이브스트리밍 되는 이번 시리즈에 여러분을 초대합니다.

The Korea Foundation (KF) is proud to host 2021 KF Virtual Dialogue Series under the theme of "Green Recovery" in search of sustainable alternatives and answers after COVID-19.The series will navigate ways for green recovery through global cooperation by sharing the efforts and experiences of diverse countries around the globe.Five sessions will be held during the series, which will run from May 20 until July 1.The entire series will be livestremed on the KF's Youtube channel for public viewing at any time.We cordially invite you to the 2021 KF Virtual Dialogue Series.

1. 5.20 Thur 16:00 Korea-Denmark-Co-organized by : Embassy of Denmark Seoul, Clean Cluster-Topic : Actions for a Sustainable Future - Korea and Denmark's cases

2. 6.3. Thur 16:00 Korea-Germany-Co-organized by : Embassy of the Federal REpulic of Germany Seoul, agora Energiewende-Topic : Approaches to Green Transitions in Korea and Germany

3. 6.10. Thur 16:00 Korea-Sweden-Co-organized by : Institute for Security & Development Policy(ISDP)-Topic :Prospects for Swedish-KoreanRenewable Energy Cooperation: sharing Lessons and Experiences

4. 6.17. Thur 09:00 Korea-United States-Co-organized by : Havard Belfer Center-Topic : Working Together to Build a Greener Global Economy

5. 7.1. Thur Korea-Australia-Co-organized by : Perth USAsia Centre-Topic : TBC

언어/Official Language- 영어/English (Subtitles in Korean)본 행사는 영어로만 진행되며, 한글 자막 서비스가 제공됩니다. 본 행사는 온라인으로 개최됩니다.KF Virtual Dialogue Series is Virtual event.

행사관련문의/ Inquiries for the Event